
Please visit my Google Scholar or ORCID for the most up-to-date list of publications.

  1. Cunningham, et al. [including Chapman] (2014). Impaired consciousness in partial seizures is bimodally distributed. Neurology.

  2. Galvin, Li, Villemaine, Poole,Chapman, Pollastri, Wyatt, Carlow. (2014). A Target Repurposing Approach Identifies N-myristoyltransferase as a New Candidate Drug Target in Filarial Nematodes. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.

  3. Samndong, Bush, Vatn, and Chapman. (2018). Institutional analysis of causes of deforestation in REDD+ pilot sites in the Equateur province: Implication for REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Land use policy.

  4. Griscom, et al. [including Chapman]. (2020). National mitigation potential from natural climate solutions in the tropics. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

  5. Oestreich, Chapman ,and Crowder. (2020). A comparative analysis of dynamic management in marine and terrestrial systems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
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  6. Chapman, et al. (2020). Large climate mitigation potential from adding trees to agricultural lands. Global Change Biology.
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  7. Scoville, Chapman, Amironesei, Boettiger. (2021). Algorithmic Conservation Governance in a Changing Climate. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.

  8. Ordway, et al., [including Chapman]. (2021) Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for socio-environmental systems research. Ecosphere.

  9. Chapman^, Oestreich^, Frawley, Boettiger, Sibyl Diver, Santos, Scoville, Armstrong, Blondin, Chand, Haulsee, Knight, Crowder (2021) Promoting equity in the use of algorithms for high seas conservation. One Earth.
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    ^ equal contributions

  10. Calhoun, Chapman, Tubbesing, McInturff, Gaynor, Van Scoyoc, Wilkinson, Parker‐Shames, Kurz, Brashares (2021). Spatial overlap of wildfires and biodiversity in California highlights gap in non-conifer fire research and management. Diversity and Distributions.

  11. Kitzes, et al.[including Chapman]. (2021). Expanding the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) biodiversity surveys with new instrumentation and machine learning models. Ecosphere.

  12. Nagy, et al. [including Chapman]. (2021). Harnessing the NEON Data Revolution to Advance Open Environmental Science with a Diverse and Data-Capable Community. Ecosphere.

  13. Roe, et al. [including Chapman].(2021). Land-based measures to mitigate climate change: potential and feasibility by country. Global Change Biology.

  14. Chapman, Scoville, Lapeyrolerie, Boettiger. (2021). Power and Accountability in Reinforcement Learning Applications to Environmental Policy. 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021).

  15. ^Dowd, Chapman, Koehn, Hoagland. (2022) The economic tradeoffs and ecological impacts associated with a potential mesopelagic fishery in the California Current. Ecological Applications.
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    ^undergraduate thesis mentee

  16. Chapman, Wiltshire, Baur, Bowles, Carlisle, Castillo, Esquivel, Gennet, Iles, Karp, Kremen, Liebert, Olimpi, Ory, Ryan, Sciligo, Thompson, Waterhouse, Boettiger. (2022). Social-ecological feedbacks drive tipping points in farming system diversification. One Earth.
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  17. Lapeyrolerie, Chapman, Norman, Boettiger. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Conservation Decisions. (2022). Methods in Ecology and Evolution
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  18. Estein, Chapman, Schell, Lowy, Gerson. (2022). Demystifying the graduate school application process. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America.

  19. Moravek et al., [including Chapman]. (2023) Centering 30x30 conservation initiatives on freshwater ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

  20. Kurz, Middleton, Chapman,Van Houtan, Wilkinson, Withey, and Brashares. (2023). Including rural america in academic conservation science. Frontiers in Conservation Science.

  21. Chapman, Boettiger, Brashares. (2023) Leveraging private lands to meet 2030 biodiversity targets in the United States. Conservation Science and Practice.
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  22. Chapman, Xu, Lapeyrolerie, Boettiger. (2023). Bridging adaptive management and reinforcement learning for more robust decisions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

  23. Scoville, Faxon, Chapman, & et al. (2023). Environment, society and machine learning. The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Machine Learning. PDF

  24. Montealegre-Mora, Laperolerie, Chapman, Boettiger. (2023). Pretty darn good control: When are approximate solutions better than approximate models? Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

  25. Ellis-Soto, Chapman, Locke. Uneven biodiversity sampling across redlined urban areas in the United States. (2023). Nature Human Behavior.

  26. Hasting^, Ocloo^, Chapman^, Hunt^, Stenger. Trends in agroforestry research over 4 decades. (2023). Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene .
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  27. Oliver, Chapman, Emery, Gillespie, Gownaris, Leike, … Zimmerman. Opening a conversation on responsible environmental data science in the age of generative AI.(2024). Environmental Data Science.

  28. Jung, Alagador, Chapman, Hermoso, Kujala, O’Connor, Schinegger, Verburg, Visconti. An assessment of the state of conservation planning in Europe. Philosphical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

  29. Sprenkle-Hyppolite, Griffey, Munshi, Chapman, & Griscom. Expert-Informed Leakage-Free Global Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Trees in Agriculture. Carbon Balance and Management.

  30. Chapman, Goldstein, Schell, Brashares, Carter, Ellis-Soto, Faxon, Goldstein, Halpern, Longdon, Norman, O’Rourke, Scoville, Xu, Boettiger. Biodiversity monitoring for a just planetary future. (2024). Science.

  31. Oestreich, Mckenna, Chapman, Oliver. Listening to animal behavior to understand changing ecosystems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

  32. (Preprint) Chapman, Jung, Boettiger, Leclère, Gusti, Augustynczik, Ringwald, Visconti. Meeting European conservation and restoration targets under future land-use demands. (in review at Nature EcoEvo)
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Workshop contributions

  1. Chapman. Governing AI Applications To Monitoring and Managing Our Global Environmental Commons. (2022) AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, Student Track
    (Workshop paper) PDF
Posted on:
January 1, 0001
4 minute read, 807 words
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